Quarto Workshop

Ravi Kalia

Quality Quarto Quest!


Learn to create professional blogs, reports, and more with Quarto.

Please read excellent Quarto Guide.



  • GitHub account
  • POSIX Compliant environment (not git bash, powershell or cygwin)
  • VSCode installed
  • Git Configured
  • Conda installed


  • Creating conda environments
  • Comfort with Git & GitHub
  • Branching (GitHub Flow)
  • Posts answers and links in chat

What is Quarto?

Quarto is a modern, interactive publishing system built on pandoc:

  • Converts Markdown files to multiple formats:
    • html/rmarkdown/pdf
    • Reveal.js (slides, pptx)
    • Jupyter Notebooks (ipynb)
    • ePub, Typst, LaTex and more

origin: org-mode (Emacs) => Sweave / knitr => RMarkdown

Why Use Quarto?

  • Focus on reproducibility
  • Easy interactivity
  • Flexible output formats
  • Good processing of code blocks:
    • R
    • Python
    • Julia
    • ObservableJS

Underlying Technology

Quarto: A transpiler that converts markdown to various formats. The foundational technologies are:

  • Javascript (interactivity)
  • HTML (markdown)
  • CSS (fence divs)


  1. Install Quarto binary program
  2. Install the Quarto extension for VSCode:
    • Extensions > Search “Quarto” > Install
  3. Command line install of quarto cli


One, Two & Three.

WARNING: Quarto is under active development!

Setting Up Your Environment

  1. Create a new directory for the workshop:

    mkdir -p ~/code/delete-me/quarto-play
    cd ~/code/delete-me/quarto-play
  2. Create a Conda environment:

    curl -L -o environment.yml https://shorturl.at/dZII6
    conda env create -f environment.yml -p "$PWD/.conda" 
    conda activate "$PWD/.conda"
  3. .gitignore file to git ignore conda environment:

    curl -o .gitignore https://raw.githubusercontent.com/github/gitignore/main/Python.gitignore
    echo -e "\n# Custom ignores\n.conda/\n.env/" >> .gitignore
  4. Initialize Git:

    git init --initial-branch=main
    git switch -c basic-markdown

Write Markdown

  1. Write a small example.md file:

    # Big Hello, Quarto!
    ## Smaller hello, quarto!
    ###### smallest hello, quarto!
    This is a demo of Markdown features:
    - **Bold text**
    - *Italic text*
    - [Links](https://quarto.org)
    - ![Image](https://picsum.photos/200/300)


Write some markdown in a file.

Markdown Code Blocks

code blocks: formatted but not executed in markdown.

Use 3 backticks to create code blocks in markdown & the name of the language.


def greet(name):
   print(f"Hello, {name}!")


greet <- function(name) {
   print(paste("Hello", name))


function greet(name) {
   console.log(`Hello, ${name}!`);


Add code blocks to your markdown file for Python, Javascript & R.

Convert Markdown

Transpile example.md using quarto:

quarto render example.md --to html
quarto render example.md --to ipynb


Write and convert a markdown file to other format. Commit changes

Introducing qmd

Basic features:

  • document metadata YAML format file header:

    title: "blah"
    format: "html"
    date: "2025-01-22"
  • ::: fenced blocks are used for quarto & custom css divs and classes

    • ::: {.class}
    • ::: {#id}
    • ::: {.class #id}

Example qmd

  1. new branch git switch -c qmd-demo

  2. Write a small example.qmd file:

    title: "Demo"
    format: html
    # Hello, Quarto!
    ::: {.panel-tabset}
    ### Tab 1
    Content for tab 1.
    ### Tab 2
    Content for tab 2.
  3. Render the file:

    quarto render example.qmd


Write a .qmd file with fenced blocks.

Simple qmd Code Blocks

Quarto supports executing code blocks in markdown files.

Use curly braces {} to specify the execution language: {python}, {r}, {julia}.

Use curly braces with a period {.} to specify formatting options, no execution: {.python}, {.r}, {.julia}.


def greet(name):
    print(f"Hello, {name}!")
Hello, Quarto!


#| echo: true
#| warning: false
greet <- function(name) {
    print(paste("Hello", name))



Create a .qmd file with a Python and R code block.

#| Code Blocks

The #| syntax adds control over code block execution & display.

   #| echo: true
   #| warning: false
   def greet(name):
      print(f"Hello, {name}!")
Option Description
#|eval Evaluate the code chunk.
#|echo Include the source code in output.
#|output Include the results of executing the code in the output (true, false, or asis).
#|warning Include warnings in the output.
#|error Include errors in the output.
#|include Catch all for preventing any output (code or results) from being included.


Create a .qmd file with a Python code block using the #| options like echo, warning, and eval.

Create a Blog Project

  1. Create a Quarto blog project:

    quarto create project blog ~/code/delete-me/quarto-blog
    cd ~/code/delete-me/quarto-blog 


  • Create a blog project & explain the directory structure.
  • What is _quarto.yml?
  • What is posts/ directory?
  • What is style.css?

Create a Blog Conda Environment

  1. Create a Conda environment for blog:

    curl -L -o environment.yml https://shorturl.at/dZII6
    conda env create -f environment.yml -p "$PWD/.conda" 
    conda activate "$PWD/.conda"
  2. .gitignore file for environment:

    curl -o .gitignore https://raw.githubusercontent.com/github/gitignore/main/Python.gitignore
    echo -e "\n# Custom ignores\n.conda/\n.env/" >> .gitignore
  3. Initialize Git:

    git init --initial-branch=main
    git switch -c basic-markdown


Verify that the conda blog environment is active.

Writing a Blog Post

Create a new welcome.qmd file in the posts/ folder:

title: "My First Blog Post"
date: 2025-01-20

# Welcome!

This is my first blog post using Quarto. Here's a dummy classifer on breast cancer data.

   import urllib.request

   gist_url = "https://shorturl.at/WZ8hR"

      with urllib.request.urlopen(gist_url) as response:
         script_content = response.read().decode('utf-8')
      print("Executing the script...")
      exec(script_content)  # Execute the script
   except Exception as e:
      print(f"An error occurred: {e}")

Preview & Render Blog Post

The preview is a live preview of the blog post in the browser. The render command generates the output file.

  1. Preview:

    quarto preview posts/welcome.qmd
  2. Render:

    quarto render posts/welcome.qmd

Using Jupyter To Blog

  • Convert a jupyter notebook to a blogpost using quarto.
  • Quarto first converts the notebook to qmd, and from there to the desired format.
  • Just put YAML metadata at the top of the notebook in raw text format.
  • Save the notebook in the posts/ directory.
  • quarto preview & quarto render the notebook.


Write and convert a jupyter notebook to a blog post.

Configure GitHub Pages

  1. Configure _quarto.yml:

      type: website
        branch: gh-pages
  2. Configure repo UI settings to publish from gh-pages branch

  3. Push to GitHub:

    git add .
    git commit -m "Initial blog setup"
    git push origin blog-setup
  4. Merge to main and deploy.

Blog with RStudio

  1. Run which R after conda activated environment
  2. If all good in 1, then open using open -na rstudio
  3. Create new project from RStudio UI
  4. Select Quarto Blog project type.
  5. Create a new post and render it.
  6. Push to GitHub.


Create a quarto blog post using RStudio.

Group Exercise: Collaborative Blog

  1. Form groups of 3–4 persons, have one person who is advanced in github flow.

  2. Each group member creates a branch:

    git checkout -b member_initials/feature-branch-name
  3. Write posts in the posts/ directory.

  4. Merge branches to main.

  5. Push and share your blog URL.


  • Quarto combines flexibility and reproducibility.
  • Create professional blogs, reports, and more.
  • Practice collaborative workflows with GitHub.

Next Steps

  • Explore advanced Quarto features.
  • Build your personal portfolio site!
